2024/02/11 | Announcements, Bulletin, Community Events, News, Red Bank Charge
Chili, roll and dessert for one Cost $ 12.00 Pickup between 3 – 5 pm at St. Philip’s Church To order call: 622-4642 or 625-6404 or any member of the congregation. Order by Feb...
2023/03/31 | Announcements, Bulletin, Community Events, News, Red Bank Charge
Together at the Cross Good Friday, April 7th at 10:30 am River Church, 2601 Route 420, Sillikers, NB Churches of the North & South Esk invite you to a special gathering together as we reflect on Christ’s great sacrifice and its meaning for today. Featuring...
2023/03/31 | Announcements, Bible study, Bulletin, Community Events, Red Bank Charge
April 6th is Maundy Thursday. No Bible Study Thursday, April 13th, 7 pm at St. Stephen’s Thursday, April 20th, 7 pm at St. Stephen’s Thursday, April 27th, 7 pm at Stephen’s
2023/03/07 | Announcements, Bulletin, News
Possible ways to donate. Online at United-church.ca Choose “donate now” Phone: 416-231-5931 or toll-free 1-800-268-3781 ext 2738 and use your Visa or Mastercard. Send a cheque or money order to: United Church of Canada Philanthropy Unit–Emergency...
2023/03/07 | Announcements, Bulletin, Community Events, News, Red Bank Charge
April 7th 10:30 am The Good Friday Service will be held at the River Church, 2601 Route 420, Sillikers, NB Churches of the North & South Esk invite you to a special gathering together as we reflect on Christ’s great sacrifice and its meaning for today....
2023/02/10 | Announcements, Bulletin, Community Events, News, Red Bank Charge, St Philips Church
St. Philip’s Church, Whitney, will have another On-Line Auction. Keep an eye on our April Special—-“April 24 – May 2nd” The Auction will Start at 8am April 24th and run to May 2nd at 8pm Submmission Deadline April...
2022/09/24 | Announcements, Bulletin, Red Bank Charge
Communion will be held at all three services on Sun. Oct 2nd
2022/09/24 | Announcements, Bulletin, St Philips Church
St. Philip’s UCWare now taking orders for “Fall Flavors Variety Packs” Variety Packs consist of : 4-250mL Mason Jars filled with jams, jellies, and preserves. Cost: – $20.00 per pack. Only a limited number of tickets will be sold.Tickets must be purchased prior...
2022/09/24 | Announcements, Bulletin, UCW and Ladies Aid
Sat Oct. 15th , 10-12pm UCW Fall Rally will held at First United Church in Bathurst. Lunch will be provided, and in preparing, if you plan to attend, please contact Dawn Haddadat 506-623-9766, by Tues, Sept...
2022/09/24 | Bulletin, St Philips Church
A sign-up sheet has been posted on the bulletin boardof St. Philip’s, for those interested in helping to clean the church. The cleaning will take place from mid September to mid October. Thank you.