2025/01/12 | St Stephens Church
Wed Feb 26th – St. Stephen’s 7:30pm. Storm date Thurs. Feb 27th
2024/11/03 | St Stephens Church
The church is collecting mittens to be placed on the Mitten Tree for the month of November. Your support is greatly appreciated.
2024/03/17 | St Stephens Church
Meeting in the Parlor on Monday, March 18th at 6:30 pm.
2023/09/19 | St Stephens Church
St. Stephen’s will be accepting donations which are greatly appreciated.
2023/04/07 | St Stephens Church
Meeting on Monday, April 17th at 7pm in the Ladies Parlor.
2023/03/19 | Announcements, Red Bank Charge, St Philips Church, St Stephens Church, Wesley Church
Regular Service Time at each Church. Communion will be received.
2023/03/07 | Announcements, St Stephens Church
St. Stephen’s Church is once again taking orders for the “Easter Memorial Gerber Daisies” at a cost of $10.00. Proceeds will go to the Church General Fund. The daisies will be in Church on Easter Sunday. All orders must be in to Rhonda by Sun. March...
2023/02/18 | St Philips Church, St Stephens Church, Wesley Church
The Pastoral charge Annual meeting will be held Tuesday Feb. 21st at 7:30 pm at St. Stephen’s Church. *Please bring your Annual Report with you. Storm date Wednesday Feb. 22nd.