2025/01/12 | Wesley Church
Sun Feb 23rd – Wesley 2:00pm. Storm date Mon. Feb 24th @ 7:30
2023/03/19 | Announcements, Red Bank Charge, St Philips Church, St Stephens Church, Wesley Church
Regular Service Time at each Church. Communion will be received.
2023/02/18 | St Philips Church, St Stephens Church, Wesley Church
The Pastoral charge Annual meeting will be held Tuesday Feb. 21st at 7:30 pm at St. Stephen’s Church. *Please bring your Annual Report with you. Storm date Wednesday Feb. 22nd.
2023/02/10 | Announcements, Wesley Church
After the church service the Annual Meeting will take place.
2022/12/04 | Announcements, Red Bank Charge, St Philips Church, St Stephens Church, Wesley Church
Weekly Advent readers are needed. Please sign up on the sheet provided. Thank you.
2022/11/26 | Announcements, Wesley Church
Wesley will place a bulb on the Christmas tree in memory of a loved one. Donations to the General Fund would be greatly appreciated.
2022/10/11 | Red Bank Charge, St Philips Church, St Stephens Church, Wesley Church
Because our church envelopes are not dated, you may continue to use what you have left into next year. Please let your Treasurer know if you have any left and how many you will need to make up 52 Sunday’s for the next year. Just write the number on the back of...
2022/10/11 | Announcements, Red Bank Charge, Wesley Church
OCTOBER 15TH 1PM TO 3PM The Ladies Aid at Wesley United Church, Trout Brook are hosting their Annual Fall Craft and Bake Sale. Admission is Free. A large number of beautiful items are available. No refreshments will be provided. Plan to...