St. James & St. John United Church

PRESENTS…Christmas at the Miramichi Valley Nursing Home Dessert Theatre Nov. 29th, 30th & Dec. 1st at 7 pm ( Doors open at 6:30) United Church Centre Tickets $ 20. each Tickets can be purchased at Dickison’s Pharmasave or The United Church...

Miramichi Quilt Guild Fall Market

Sept. 21, 2024 10:00 am – 2:00 pm Knights of Columbus Hall, 67 King St. Miramichi, NB Admission is Free —–50/50 DRAW Handmade Crafts– Quilts– Quilt Supplies– Fabric Preserves– Baked...

Community Breakfasts

In Bartibog, at the Father Morrisey Centre, Sunday’s 15th, 22nd, 29th Breakfast includes: eggs, 2 meats, brown beans, hash browns, toast, juice, tea, coffee Adults, $10.00 Youth under 13 $6.00

Apple Pies

St. Stephen’s United are once again making their delicious Apple Pies beginning Monday, October 7th. Cost: $12.00 each. The limit is 1000, so please reserve your order early! Donations of flour, sugar or monetary donations would be greatly appreciated. Contact:...

St. Paul’s ACW Yard Sale

St. Paul’s Anglican Church (Bushville) are having a yard sale on June 22nd from 8am – 12 noon. Money will go towards the purchase of mini splits. Donations for yard sale accepted but no clothing please. Contact Lorna at 506-622-4818 or...