100th Birthday Celebration

Cecil Mullin is celebrating his “100th” birthday next weekend.  There will be a meet and greet on Saturday, Feb 19th at the Sunny Corner Legion from 2 – 4 if anyone would like to stop by to offer their best wishes only. COVID protocols will be...

Movie Night Is Back!

.  First movie night this Fall is on Wed. October 30 th at 7:00 PM at St Stephen’s.  We will be watching “God’s Not Dead”  Everyone is welcome. Free admission.

Year End Reports-Meetings

It is that time of year again and the year end reports are now due.  A electronic version, in Word, Excel or similar should be emailed to the Pastoral Charge Treasurer as soon as possible. Please do not send reports in pdf format as they make it difficult to complete...
Long Term Planning Meeting

Long Term Planning Meeting

There will be a Long Term Planning meeting on Wednesday, Nov 29th at Wendy and Terry’s If you would like to take part in this committee please feel free to come along.  We are looking to get as many ideas as possible as we plan for the future of our Charge....

Paint day at Wesley Nov-2017

A fun day was held at Wesley church on Nov 18.  Ten individuals started their artists careers.  Colleen, Wendy, and Brenda from our Charge and Charlene Savard from Newcastle Charge provided instruction on painting a Christmas snowman.  We will have some photos of the...