Sunday, September 18th at 7 pm, the Red Bank Pastoral Charge is hosting an in-person “Dedication Hymn Sing” at

St. Stephen’s, Red Bank.  The choir and congregation along with guest singers Blair Baisley, Jimmy Lawlor, Kimberley Shaddick and The Villagers will be participating. The amount you choose to donate for your selection(s) is your choice. Please complete a separate form for each hymn you wish to dedicate. Extra copies of the form is available at the entry of each church.

Below, you will see a list of Hymns that you and the committee have  selected.  Fill out the bottom half of the sheet and submit it with your donation in an envelope to: 

                      Doris Kingston 773-4848 for Wesley

                      Janice Chamberlain 586-7550 for St. Stephen’s 

                      Janice Shannon 622-0864 for St. Philip’s

1.Here I Am Lord

2. What a Friend We Have in Jesus

3. His Eye Is on the Sparrow

4. Thanks Be to God

5. All the Way My Saviour Leads Me

6. Love Lifted Me

7. A Broken Heart I Gave

8. In the Garden

9. Holy Spirit Guide Me

10. Hallelujah

11. Jesus You Have Come to the Lakeshore

12. For Every Valley There Is a Lily

13. Every Time I feel the Spirit.

14. How Great Thou Art

15. It is No Secret

16. Just a Closer Walk With Me

17. Blessed Assurance

18. We Shall Go Out with Hope of Resurrection .

For those attending who wish not to dedicate a hymn, a free will offering plate will be available.

Final Date to dedicate hymns is: August 7th.

Cut along line and submit.


Please indicate the hymn of your choice.

Cut along line and submit.


Please indicate the hymn of your choice.


Sung in Loving Memory of   ____________________________________


Sung in Loving Honor of ______________________________________

Placed by:  __________________________________________________

Amount of Donation                          Envelope Number (if applicable): 

_____$_____________                                       #_____________